Flat roofs and snow

Flat roofs and snow

Does freezing temperatures and snow affect a flat roof? Many people are labouring under the delusion that flat roofs leak, require ongoing maintenance and need to be replaced every decade. And when it comes to winter, these misconceptions are only magnified. A flat...
All I want for Christmas is a new flat roof!

All I want for Christmas is a new flat roof!

A new flat roof for Christmas! It does look as if it will remain bright and sunny despite the sub-zero temperatures. But it is a good reminder that the warm weather is likely to be well and truly over for the next few months. Apparently we are in the start of the...
How long does roofing felt last?

How long does roofing felt last?

What’s the lifespan of a Felt Flat Roof? Roofing felt usually comprises of a ‘paper’ or fibre material that is coated with bitumen and a layer of gravel. Unfortunately, these traditional felt roofs can fail quite quickly. One of the biggest reasons...